July 2016 - Billy Reid
July’s cast of the month comes from Burra Man and S.A.A. competition secretary Billy Reid. Billy is a very experienced flyfisher whose name appears with regular frequency on all the S.A.A. bank fishing trophies. He is always ready to utilise a wide variety of tactics required to suit the range of waters and conditions which will be faced during the trout season in Shetland. However Billy would be the first to admit that it is on “top of the water” where he is truly at home and his default setting is the floating line. He is a ginked up “Hedgehog” specialist and some of his innovative “Hog” designs were featured in Fly Fishing & Fly Tying magazine a few years back. Billy will quite happily be pulling up brownies to “Hedgehogs” on a floating line in the blazing sun when most of the rest of us are trying to get as deep as possible!
The right weather conditions in July should provide great sport for the fly fisherman in Shetland with the trout up in the water and ready to throw themselves at flies presented on the surface. This is reflected in Billy’s cast of the month.
July’s cast of the month comes from Burra Man and S.A.A. competition secretary Billy Reid. Billy is a very experienced flyfisher whose name appears with regular frequency on all the S.A.A. bank fishing trophies. He is always ready to utilise a wide variety of tactics required to suit the range of waters and conditions which will be faced during the trout season in Shetland. However Billy would be the first to admit that it is on “top of the water” where he is truly at home and his default setting is the floating line. He is a ginked up “Hedgehog” specialist and some of his innovative “Hog” designs were featured in Fly Fishing & Fly Tying magazine a few years back. Billy will quite happily be pulling up brownies to “Hedgehogs” on a floating line in the blazing sun when most of the rest of us are trying to get as deep as possible!
The right weather conditions in July should provide great sport for the fly fisherman in Shetland with the trout up in the water and ready to throw themselves at flies presented on the surface. This is reflected in Billy’s cast of the month.
"Shetland Peach Hedgehog"
Hook - B175, 10 or 12 Thread - Orange Butt - Glo Brite floss No. 11. Body - "Shetland Peach." (mix of "Orkney Peach" & Pearl Glister.) Wing - Deer Hair tied Hedgehog style. Billy puts a great deal of store in the fluo lime butt which gives this killing Hedgehog pattern just that little bit of extra "edge!" |
"Olive Hedgehog"
Hook - B175, 10 or 12.
Thread - Olive
Body - Artifly Olive Mosaic.
Wing - Natural Roe Deer Hair tied Hedgehog style with one tuft of white deer hair at the front.
Olive coloured Hedgehogs are always a good bet especially on lochs like Spiggie. The white tuft of deer hair at the head makes all the difference.
"Orange Badger Hedgehog."
Hook - B175, 10 or 12.
Thread - Orange
Butt - Flat Gold
Body - Artifly "Electric Flash" - Fire Orange.
Wing - Natural Roe Deer Hair tied Hedgehog style.
Head Hackle - Badger dyed orange.
A proven killer and Billy's best fly on his recent success in Roer Water where he won the prestigious Ronas Hill trophy. Great pattern in bright conditions.